Elvia – DI fullversjon

Driftleders instrukser for høyspenningsanlegg. Utviklet for Elvia.

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The Instructions for High-Voltage Operations Managers is a collection of work and functional instructions designed to help those working with high-voltage installations avoid injuries and accidents caused by electric shock and arc flash incidents. On completing this course, participants will have developed a reflected attitude to the dangers associated with working on or in the vicinity of high-voltage installations.


Anyone working with power-supply fitting, fibre or telecommunications, street lighting or planning and operations in Elvia high-voltage installations. Instructions for Operations Managers apply to all high-voltage installations for which Elvia has responsibility, both regional grids and distribution networks.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • Information from the Operations Manager
  • Current focus points
  • Requirements applying to Safety Coordinators
  • Requirements applying to Safety Permit holders
  • Risk assessment and Safe Job Analysis
  • Instructions for specific work tasks
  • General information on Elvia’s “Instructions for High-Voltage Operations Managers”


This course is designed for personnel who have already completed a training course in the Safety Regulations for Electrical Installations (FSE) or these two courses may be taken in combination.

Teknisk informasjon


Dette kurset kan kjøres på datamaskin, nettbrett og mobiltelefon. For håndholdte enheter anbefaler vi at du befinner deg på et trådløst nettverk. Det stilles ikke krav til flash for å ta dette kurset.

Anbefalt hastighet på linjen er minimum 1.5 Mbps. Dersom du opplever problemer med kurskjøring, anbefaler vi at du forsøker nettleseren Google Chrome.

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