Safe behavior in hazardous areas (FHOSEX/ATEX)

Learn how to work safely in Ex areas. The authorities require documented training in explosion prevention for all who enter Ex areas.

Estimert varighet
1t 10min


The course provides basic knowledge of hazardous areas and the risks associated with passing through or working in such areas.


Personnel who have access to areas where there is explosion hazard.

For example, an oil platform, processing plant, refinery, distillery, tanker, silo, petrol station or a place where an explosive atmosphere may occur due to gas, liquid vapor, liquid mist or dust mixed with air.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • The risk of fire and explosion
  • Risks associated with hazardous areas where there is gas or dust in suspension
  • Sources of ignition
  • Risks and consequences
  • Preventing accidents and dangerous incidents
  • Working methods
  • Using the correct tools
  • Safety measures
  • Examples of accidents and incidents
  • Portable electrical equipment (handheld, portable and transportable)
  • Final exam

The course is based on the Directive 1999/92/EC (Implemented in FHOSEX for Norway), IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-10, EN 1127-1 and the Norwegian Petroleum Act.


The EU Directive 1992/99/EC (also known as the ATEX Workplace Directive) is about health and safety requirements for workers in explosive atmospheres. It requires that the employer develop and maintain an explosion prevention document. This document must include risk assessment, a zone chart, and documentation that all workers who will need to enter hazardous areas have received adequate and suitable training in explosion prevention. In all EU and EEA countries, this must be incorporated in national legislation.

In Norway this is implemented through the: "Regulations regarding Health and Safety in Hazardous Areas" often referred to as "FHOSEX".

Legislation pertaining to petroleum activities similarly includes competence requirements: § 9-7 Qualifications.

The licensee and others involved in petroleum activities are required to have necessary qualifications to be able to conduct the work in a satisfactory manner. Adequate training must be provided.

Teknisk informasjon


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Anbefalt hastighet på linjen er minimum 1.5 Mbps. Dersom du opplever problemer med kurskjøring, anbefaler vi at du forsøker nettleseren Google Chrome.

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