First aid in connection with electrical accidents

This is a practical course that teaches participants how to perform first aid in connection with accidents caused by electrical current.

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This is a practical course that teaches participants how to perform first aid in connection with accidents caused by electrical current.


Electricians and automation technicians who work with and carry out maintenance on low-voltage electrical plants.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • How to behave at the scene of the accident
  • Priorities and treatment
  • Injury caused by falling
  • Electrical injuries
  • Electric shocks (heartbeat disturbance)
  • Electric arc injuries
  • Fire injuries
  • How to give CPR (theory and practice)
  • How to use AED
  • The most common acute illnesses
  • Normal reactions in crisis situations

The course meets the official requirements for annual training in first aid. No more than 12 months may lapse between trainings (cf. FSE § 7, and the Norwegian First Aid Council).

Teknisk informasjon


Ja, du vil få utdelt en fysisk kursmanual ved kursstart.

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