Measuring techniques for high-voltage systems

The course teaches participants how to carry out measurements on high-voltage systems, focusing on various external factors which could affect the results. Participants also learn how to document results.

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The course teaches participants how to carry out measurements on high-voltage systems, focusing on various external factors which could affect the results. Participants also learn how to document results.


Operational and maintenance personnel, fitters from electricity boards, power stations and industry.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • Discussion of traditional measuring techniques, possibilities and limitations
  • Leakage currents
  • Important parameters for verifying the overall insulation quality
  • Measurement methods
  • "Spot test"
  • "Step-voltage test"
  • "Dielectric absorbtion"
  • "Polarisation index for motors"
  • "Polarisation index for other windings"
  • "The Faust Rule principle"
  • "Dielectric discharge test"
  • "Guard point" measuring
  • Choice of measuring method for various types of test objects
  • Discussion of testing instruments available on the market
  • Procedures when taking measurements on high-voltage cables and windings
  • Discussion and analysis of data

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