FSE low-voltage (operation of electrical installations)

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** Covid-19 and course requirements **

Updated information from DSB on the implementation of FSE and first aid courses in 2022 (in norwegian):


Completed theoretical courses for FSE-training, including first aid in 2021 and first half of 2022, will be accepted as valid statutory training for 12 months.


This course helps participants develop a greater awareness of electrical safety thus reducing the risk of injury and material damage.


Electricians and automation technicians who work with and carry out maintenance on low-voltage electrical plants.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • The role of being a Safety supervisor (low-voltage)
  • Structure and content of FSE
  • The most important parts of FSE
  • The need for regulations related to safety when working with and operating low-voltage plants
  • Consequences of electric shock and electric arc injuries
  • Central injury statistics
  • The human factor
  • Safety thinking
  • Safety equipment

The course meets the official requirements regarding theoretical refresher courses as stated in §7 in FSE, with the exception of first aid and emergency lowering of injured persons.

Teknisk informasjon


Ja, du vil få utdelt en fysisk kursmanual ved kursstart.

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