Hot work - Certification

The course will help to provide the person performing hot work with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to the safe execution of hot work.
14. mai 2024
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14. mai 2024 - 08:30:16:00
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This course aims to provide those conducting hot work with the necessary knowledge and skills, and enable them to approach their work with an emphasis on safety.


All who use hot work methods: welding, cutting, grinding, angle grinding, open flame roofing, and any other work involving hot air equipment or the use of open flame.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • What is hot work?
  • The licence scheme
  • Laws and regulations
  • Fire theory and fire extinguishing
  • Protective equipment and first aid
  • Working with gas
  • Risk assessment
  • Preventive measures
  • Checking and clearing up after completing a job
  • Fire routines
  • Practical training in extinguishing fire
  • Written examination

In order to be eligible for a licence, participants must pass the exam and document having received practical fire extinguishing training.

The certificate is valid in Norway, Finland and Denmark for 5 years before it must be renewed. Courses completed after 1 July 2023 are not valid in Sweden.

Teknisk informasjon


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