High voltage installations - Supplementary module for Electro-technical Officers (STCW 2010)

Upgrade for ship electricians who have previously completed the upgrade course for engine officers (70h). Additional competence in accordance with the Norwegian Maritime Directorate's training requirements.
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On successfully completing and passing the course, participants will have received the necessary training described in the training update requirements for Electro-technical Officers as stipulated in the Qualification Regulations for Seafarers, 22 December 2011, no. 1523.

Appendix IV of the regulations, STCW table A-III/6 and A III/7 – Upgrades for electro-technical officers, electrical and electronic installations and control installations at operative and support levels.

The supplementary training meets the Norwegian Maritime Authority’s qualification requirements.


Electro-technical Officers

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • Structure of high-voltage cables for use in maritime installations
  • Cable termination techniques
  • High-voltage cable splicing
  • Contact materials and tools
  • Practical exercises in the high-voltage laboratory

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