FSE Instructed Personnel with First Aid

Electrical Safety Course for individuals assigned to perform basic operational tasks, such as changing fuses and resetting protection devices in electrical installations, as instructed personnel.

Estimert varighet
1t 10min


The course aims to enable you to assess risks and avoid electrical hazards. This will contribute to increased safety for you and your colleagues, ensuring a safe workplace without personal injuries.


Everyone who will work as instructed personnel in various types of commercial buildings. This includes everything from gas stations and grocery stores to large food production facilities, office buildings, and some heavier industries.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • What is instructed personnel?
  • Introduction to electrical installations and associated hazards
  • Access control and protective equipment
  • Operation of switches, protection devices, and fuses
  • Challenges you may face as instructed personnel
  • Theoretical first aid, electrical injuries


The course meets the governmental requirements for theoretical training for those involved in the operation of electrical installations and electrical equipment, as outlined in Elsikkerhet No. 84 and FSE.

In addition to this course, you must receive instruction and hands-on practice with the installations and electrical equipment you will operate, as well as training in first aid for electrical accidents. According to §7 in FSE, no more than 12 months should pass between each training session.

The course includes the required theoretical training in first aid connected with electrical accidents, with the exception of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). In addition to this theoretical training, it is important to receive practical experience in CPR (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compression).

Teknisk informasjon


Dette kurset kan kjøres på datamaskin, nettbrett og mobiltelefon. For håndholdte enheter anbefaler vi at du befinner deg på et trådløst nettverk. Det stilles ikke krav til flash for å ta dette kurset.

Anbefalt hastighet på linjen er minimum 1.5 Mbps. Dersom du opplever problemer med kurskjøring, anbefaler vi at du forsøker nettleseren Google Chrome.

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