Activities near power lines, underground cables, and laying cable pipes

This course is for you who will be working near power lines, excavating or driving objects into the ground, or doing preparatory work for laying cable pipes.

Estimert varighet
1t 50min


Participants will acquire necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to work safely in the proximity of power lines and cables, reducing accidents, injuries and loss of life and avoiding damage to equipment and the power grid.


Those who currently work, or plan to work in the proximity of power lines and other electrical installations, or who plan such operations, those who excavate or drive objects into the ground, or those who do preparatory work for laying cable pipes.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

Electrical installations

  • Where are the hazards?
  • Power lines
  • High-voltage installations

Electrical hazards

  • Forces in action in the high-voltage grid
  • When machinery and trees touch power lines

Safety at the workplace

  • The grid company operations centre
  • Working closer than 30 metres from an electrical installation
  • Safety distance
  • Safety Supervisor – responsibility and authority
  • Safety Observer
  • Re-energising power lines

When disaster has struck

  • Reporting an incident or accident
  • Fallen power lines

Charting cables

  • Excavation permits
  • Excavation near cable routes
  • Unearthing cables
  • Warning ribbons and cover plates

Handling cables

  • Different types of cable
  • Earthing
  • Damaged cables
  • Mounting cables

Laying cable pipes

  • Requirements to types of pipes for power cables
  • Colour coding of pipes
  • Ring stiffness
  • Guidelines for laying and planning
  • Guidelines for transport, handling and storage
  • Recommended guidelines for preparing trenches
  • Guidelines for installation and laying
  • Guidelines for cable marking and protection boards
  • Guidelines for distances and altering direction
  • Covering and filling
  • Summary of the most usual types of documentation

The course follows the recommendations set out in RENblad 9010 Version: 1.6.

Teknisk informasjon


Dette kurset kan kjøres på datamaskin, nettbrett og mobiltelefon. For håndholdte enheter anbefaler vi at du befinner deg på et trådløst nettverk. Det stilles ikke krav til flash for å ta dette kurset.

Anbefalt hastighet på linjen er minimum 1.5 Mbps. Dersom du opplever problemer med kurskjøring, anbefaler vi at du forsøker nettleseren Google Chrome.

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