Ex introduction for non-electrical personnel

Introductory course for non-electrical personnel working in hazardous areas.

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This is a theoretical course aimed at giving participats insight into work routines and prosedures which apply to working in potentially explosive areas. Participants gain an understandingo f work and equpment which could ve potential ignition sources.


Process and maintenance personnel. The course is intended for personnel who do not work with Ex equipment on a daily basis, but who come into contact with this from time to time.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • What is an hazardous area
  • Overview of relevant regulations and standards for hazardous areas and equipment
  • Ignition sources defined in EN 1127-1 2019
  • Static elektricity
  • Hazards
  • Protection types (elektric equpment as well as mekanical equpment)
  • Certification and assurance of conformity *Verification dossier *Before you enter an hazardous area
  • Permit to work
  • Portable equipment

Teknisk informasjon


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