IECEx and ATEX marking of electrical equipment

Certified Ex equipment has a marking plate that includes details about the equipment's explosion protection and the area in which the equipment may be used. Can you interpret these codes?

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1 time

This course assumes that you already know about gas and dust groups and about zones. The course covers the applicable marking standards and directives within the EU and the EEA.

Interpreting the markings on Ex equipment can be demanding. The plate can carry codes for both IEC standards and the ATEX equipment directive. So what do all these letters and numbers really mean? How can you be sure the equipment has sufficient explosion protection to be installed in the necessary zone? This information is critical if you need to select and install equipment in a potentially hazardous area.


Having completed this course, participants will have gained good insight into how electrical equipment is Ex-marked, and what the different markings mean. Participants will learn to distinguish between the different types of markings and make good decisions when selecting euipment to use in an installation in a potentially hazardous area.


Electrotechnical and automation personnel and other personnel planning or working on electrical installations in potentially hazardous areas within the EU/EEA. The course will also be useful for manufacturers and suppliers of Ex equipment within the EU/EEA.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • How to read a marking plate
  • Protection types for electrical equipment
  • Markings that follow the IEC standard
  • Certification references
  • A brief introduction to marking mechanical equipment
  • Marking associated equipment and associated apparatus
  • A short history of markings
  • A summary of markings given by the ATEX directive
  • Types of ATEX markings

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