Access to electrical installations offshore

Do you think about safety when you carry out your work in electrical installations offshore? Stay up to date so that you do not expose yourself or others to danger.

Estimert varighet
45 minutter


After completing the course, the participant shall be aware of the dangers in low- and high-voltage installations, so that they do not expose themselves or others to danger when staying in electrical installations offshore.


Anyone who is to have access to or work near electrical installations offshore, to perform work that is not directly related to the electrical installation. Persons who have a key and independent access to areas with electrical hazards to perform visual inspection or other work within locked electrical installations. T he course is also suitable for electrical engineers and other personnel who are to have access to a limited area with electrical hazards.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • Hazards in high voltage systems
  • Hazards in low voltage systems
  • Current through body
  • Arc flash Hazards
  • Training requirements
  • Access to electrical installations offshore (access permit)
  • Responsibility and planning
  • Safety on site
  • Risk and behavior - delimitation of work areas
  • Behavior in low and high voltage facilities
  • Documentation, safety cards
  • Emergency preparedness and evacuation
  • Reporting accidents

The course satisfies the requirements for theoretical training in accordance with § 7 of the FSE.

In addition to this course, you must do a tour with instruction in the facilities you will be working in and the equipment you are going to use. This shall be arranged by the individual employer.

Teknisk informasjon


Dette kurset kan kjøres på datamaskin, nettbrett og mobiltelefon. For håndholdte enheter anbefaler vi at du befinner deg på et trådløst nettverk. Det stilles ikke krav til flash for å ta dette kurset.

Anbefalt hastighet på linjen er minimum 1.5 Mbps. Dersom du opplever problemer med kurskjøring, anbefaler vi at du forsøker nettleseren Google Chrome.

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