Ex safety and awareness – petroleum industry

Become aware of the dangers in potentially explosive areas, so that you as administrative personnel do not take measures that could affect safety and that you, as a contractor, do your work in potentially explosive areas in a safe manner.

Estimert varighet
1t 5min


After completing the course, participants must have knowledge of basic fire and explosion theory, potential sources of ignition, which regulations apply and how to understand labels on equipment.


Executive personnel (non-electricians) and administrative personnel (non-executive).

Personnel in mechanical trades, process operators, other operating personnel and other personnel who have work that may affect the safety of electrical installations. The course is also for personnel who work with non-electrical equipment, but which contains possible sources of ignition.

Managers in the petroleum industry, maintenance managers and others who can implement measures that can affect safety in Ex facilities. The course is also for buyers and sellers.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • Explosion theory and sources of ignition
  • Safe behaviour in Ex areas
  • Regulations
  • Risk assessment and area classification
  • Selection of equipment
  • Portable electrical equipment (handheld, portable and transportable)
  • Final exam

The course is based on the ATEX directive, the Petroleum Act, NEK 420, EN IEC 60079-14.


EU directive 1992/99/EC (HSE in Ex areas) requires the employer to draw up and maintain an explosion protection document. This document must contain, among other things, a risk assessment, zone map and documentation that all employees who will enter Ex areas have received sufficient and suitable training in explosion protection. In all EU and EEA countries, this must be implemented in the national legislation.

In Norway, this is introduced as a regulatory requirement in: "Regulations on health and safety in explosive atmospheres" often called "FHOSEX".

In the Petroleum Act, there is also a requirement that one has competence: Section 9-7. Qualifications

Licensees and others who participate in petroleum activities must have the necessary qualifications to carry out the work in a responsible manner. Training must take place to the extent necessary.


Prior knowledge: No requirements for prior knowledge

Før du kommer på kurs

Final exam - The course ends with a final exam that must be passed in order to get the course approved and a course certificate. We recommend making notes during the course.

Teknisk informasjon


Dette kurset kan kjøres på datamaskin, nettbrett og mobiltelefon. For håndholdte enheter anbefaler vi at du befinner deg på et trådløst nettverk. Det stilles ikke krav til flash for å ta dette kurset.

Anbefalt hastighet på linjen er minimum 1.5 Mbps. Dersom du opplever problemer med kurskjøring, anbefaler vi at du forsøker nettleseren Google Chrome.

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